That's a wrap! HBF Run for a Reason 2017

We are so grateful to Premo, Lyn, Jacquieline, team 'Lenny the Lion', team 'The Race for Chase', the Bates Family and everyone else who turned out to pound the pavement for Tiny Sparks WA, 50+ people in total, what an effort!

Almost $4,000 was raised for Tiny Sparks from this event, all of which will be returned to the WA community through our ongoing programming.  As a 100% volunteer run organisation every dollar is spent where you intended for it to go!

Wondering just what impact $4,000 will have?  It buys 100 care packages (we distribute more than 700 a year!), or 3 terms of Developmental Playgroup (12 placements each term), or 400 special occasion gifts (we provide a small gift on Mother's Day, Father's Day and Christmas Day to all babies in neonatal units around WA).  What a huge difference you are helping us make!

Thanks to HBF for putting on another fabulous Run for a Reason and to Channel 9 for their support of the event, especially with their TV special 'Be the Reason', featuring the Catalano family and team 'Lenny the Lion'.  We can't thank you all enough!

#hbfrun #bethereason