Volunteering Busy Bee

Tiny Sparks WA invites you to our 'Volunteering Busy Bee', where just one or two hours of your time could make a lasting impact to a family embarking on a difficult and uncertain journey. Various activities associated with our Care Package and gifts programmes will be the focus of our morning; we look forward to seeing you!

Morning tea will be provided for our generous volunteers and the Busy Bee can also be utilised as a drop-off point for donated items (e.g. knitted/Sewn items). For catering and venue capcity requirements it would be appreciated if you could register your interest via this link.

Activtieis include:
- Packaging of Mothers' Day Gifts
- Assembling Care Packages
- Packaging inkless hand & foot print kits
- Cutting donated fabrics to size
and more!

Workshop - Bridging the Gap for Premature Children

Introducing our first workshop for 2015, 'Bridging the Gap for Premature Children'.

Dr Francesca of Synaptic Health will provide an overview of Neuroplasticity or β€˜the brain’s ability to change’. She will also explain how we can use this to help our premature babies bridge the development gap.

Dr. Francesca graduated from Murdoch University in 2011 as β€˜Dux’ of her class. She completed a three year postgraduate program in functional neurology through the Carrick Institute of Functional Neurology (US), and is a Diplomat of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board (DACNB). She is currently completing a Masters degree in Clinical Neuroscience. Francesca is a Fellow and an Executive Board member of the Australasian Academy of Functional Neurology. Further demonstrating her dedication to the field of neuroplasticity, which involves the brain's ability to change, she has also been a contributing author to a text book in the field of functional neurology and won the COCA undergraduate research award in 2011, together with her research team. Francesca has a special interest in treating infants and children using gentle, safe and effective techniques which may help restore the normal function of their body and help them to operate at their optimum potential.

The workshop will be held in Subiaco at the Tom Dadour Centre on Tuesday the 10th of February 2015 at 7pm.  It is open to all families affected by high-risk pregnancy, premature birth or having a sick newborn.  To register for this workshop please visit the registration page.

Where I've Been, Where I am, Where I'm Going

Thanks to guest blogger Michelle Saleeba we have another fantastic piece for you to get in touch with your creative side.

Gather your supplies:

  • Journal or single sheet of paper/card
  • Selection of acrylic paints
  • Brushes, foam rollers & sponges for spreading paint
  • Plate or palette to spread paint on
  • Selection of magazines or collage source material that have meaning to you
  • Water soluble pastels and/or pencils or markers for adding detail over dry paint
  • Craft glue 
  • Lead pencil and ruler
  • Decorative paper or tape for segmenting pages (I’ve used a plain black electrical tape from a hardware store)


With Therapeutic art activities it is the process, the reflection, the visualisation, the emotional experience that are important NOT the final outcome.  We aren’t aiming for a product here.  

You don’t have to have any art training, you don’t need to be able to make realistic drawings.  If you really feel your piece needs a person in it – stick figures work!

There is no right way to do this only your way.  Take ownership of the process.  And remember no-one need see your work unless you choose to share it. 

Often people feel a little overwhelmed at having to use art materials they’ve never previously worked with.  Or the idea of sitting quietly and reflecting can seem weird and awkward.  That’s completely OK most of us feel slightly anxious when we try something new…..don’t fight it, this is play time and the more you make space in your life for creative and emotional play the easier it becomes.


For this creative therapy exercise it is helpful to spend some time quietly centring yourself and gathering your thoughts.  Leaving behind the stress and carry on from our day to day lives and allowing our self to be really present and engaged with the creative process.  

So get comfy with all your stuff spread in front of you and close your eyes for a moment, focussing at first on your breathing.  Gently aiming for an evenness of breath, in and out.  

Bring your attention to your past – which ever aspect of your past that jumps out at you.  All of it, a specific significant event there’s no right focus here.  Do you have a particular colour that you associate with this time in your life?  With your childhood say or all of the time leading to now?  This is the colour or combination of colours that are going to be the background to the first part of your page.

As you are visualising the colour/s of where you’ve been you will likely have images, words, faces perhaps even sounds, smells and tastes that come to the front of your conscious mind.  Gently acknowledge these – they will guide you in your choice of collage materials.

When reflecting on your present what are the aspects that you are most grateful for?  Those that you would like to change?  Is there a colour that defines your present situation?  A symbol, taste or sensation?

Looking to the Future is a visioning exercise and here we have the opportunity to place our desires, hopes and dreams on the page.  It’s an opportunity to think about the aspects of our life we want to work on or change and how that might look

Engage with the process

Please read through the whole process before you start 

Step 1- Segmenting

Divide your page into 3 sections using your lead pencil.  

If you want straight lines and structured segments use the ruler – if you prefer fluid and loose go freehand!  

Step 2-Laying down the colours

It’s time to use the sponges or foam rollers to colour the Where I’ve Been segment.

We are creating a background here with the intent to place elements on top so it works best to apply the paint sparingly.

Spreading the paint too thickly or using loads of water will increase the drying time.  You can always use a hairdryer to speed up the drying process if you need too.  

Step 4-Rip Tear Cut

Turn to your collection of collage materials and recalling the images etc from your reflection start selecting anything that really speaks to you and fits with what you visualised.  Rip or cut whatever works for you.

*TIP-you want to keep yourself moving quite quickly here – don’t get sucked into reading articles!  It can help to give yourself a time limit!

 (In the example at the top of the document I asked participants to aim for 8 -12 images and/or words per segment.)

Step 5- Collage

You want your painted segment to be dry for this bit.  

Start to arrange the collage elements representing your past on the painted segment.  

Glue them down using your craft glue.

Step 6- and repeat x2

You need to follow the above process through again for Where I Am and Where I’m Going starting with a reflection for each aspect.

Step 7 – Pushing apart pulling together

Now define the three segments of the piece, you can use your tape here or another medium that you prefer such as permanent marker.   

The phases of our life are both separate and dependent on each other.  There are lessons and experiences we choose to leave behind and others to carry forward.  To demonstrate this using your pastels or markers add text and illustration that symbolically links the aspects that you choose to carry through from one part of your life to the next.

For example you may draw arrows or ladders leading from one section to the next. Or perhaps an arrow points from one aspect of your past to the future but the destination is unclear.  

Michelle Saleeba is a single mum to two independent teenagers and perhaps more simply a gorgeous German Shorthaired Pointer called Otis who still likes going with her for walks at the beach!   

She writes, paints and journals and tries to get on the yoga mat as often as possible.   

Michelle facilitates creative therapy support groups for women that incorporate meditation as well as visual art and writing usually in the safe container of a journal.  

Michelle is also an accredited personal trainer and offers exercise programs and training sessions for wellbeing as well as anxiety and depression management.

Connect on Facebook

For more information about creative support groups or personal training with Michelle contact the Henry Street Centre in Fremantle on 9433 6957 or email michellesaleeba@msn.com or visit her website www.michellesaleeba.com

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Look at me now!

We are delighted to present you with a number of images taken for our 'Look at me now!' campaign.  This initiative is designed to provide a high impact, emotive image which shows in a very straightforward manner just how far the children have come since their stay in NICU/SCN.

These little super stars will be on display at most of our public events, their images will also be used on our website and in marketing materials.  A huge thank you to each of the families who participated.

Click to enlarge the images.

Mia born 23 weeks 4 days, 645g.  Came home on oxygen but is now a in pre-primary and thriving.

Twins Logan and Blake born at 26 weeks 2 days weighing 1070g and 945g.

Harley born 33 weeks, 1810g due to PE.

Hayley born 24 weeks 5 days, weighing 740g now a very happy kindy kid.

Aaleyah born 33 weeks 5 days, 2170g due to PE.

Aurora born 31 weeks 1 day, weighing 1410g due to HELLP syndrome.

Hayward born 27 weeks, 870g due to pre-eclampsia.

Mark born at term with stage 2-3 HIE, meconium aspiration and seizures.

Dakota born 32 weeks, 1700g, required full resuscitation at birth.

Noah born at term with a complete heart block requiring admission to NICU and fitting of a pacemaker.

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Toddler Tuesdays - Week 12 of the 12 weeks of winter

Welcome to week 12, the final week of β€˜The 12 Weeks of Winter’.  Spring is right around the corner and i’m sure everyone is looking forward to some more reliable sunshine.  This weeks activity for β€˜Toddler Tuesdays’ is Teddy Bears Picnic.

You will need -

  1. A blanket to use as your picnic rug.
  2. Some stuffed toys or dolls to invite to the picnic.
  3. Some unbreakable cups and plates and children’s tea set would be ideal.

Instructions -

For morning or afternoon tea invite your child to the Teddy Bears Picnic.  Have them assist you to gather the items and set them up in the lounge, family room or another area of your home that suits you.  Serve up your child’s morning or afternoon tea including a drink and make sure there is a little something for each of the guests.  This is an open ended imaginative activity so be fun and creative.

Focus -

Imaginative play is a very important step in development.  Semi structured activities such as this provide a comfortable framework of language your child can use to play.  Mealtimes are a regular occurrence so your child should already feel familiar with that process.  Adding the teddies and change of setting can encourage development of additional language using describing words and instructional words.

If you have not already provided some feedback about our β€˜Toddler Tuesdays’ activities we would love to hear from your now.  Please go right ahead and leave a comment here or post an image or comment to our Facebook page.  If you enjoy the activity we would encourage you to share this post with your friends.

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