You wouldn't know it by looking at Judith Talbot, an adventurous woman and keen sports person, but Judith was born at only 29 weeks gestation and spent the first weeks of her life at King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH) in 1984. Judith revealed her prematurity to friend and Tiny Sparks WA board member Michelle Giles after Michelle gave birth to a baby girl at 25 weeks gestation in 2012; Michelle would have otherwise never been aware of Judith's early start to life.

Judith Talbot (Pictured left)

Judith Talbot (Pictured left)

The Neuroscience Occupational Therapist, who also holds a degree in Business Administration and a Masters of Health Industry Management, is a testament to both the care provided at KEMH and the strong will of babies born too soon. Now, 31 years later, Judith not only makes a difference to people's lives through her work, but also by regularly donating blood products.

Many of the earliest premature babies will require multiple life saving blood transfusions during their time in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), including the recently reported premature baby boy, born at 26 weeks gestation, who received a staggering 58 blood transfusions at Monash Hospital before being well enough to be discharged. Assisting in the treatment of these premature babies is only one of many ways that blood and blood products can help thousands of people across Australia.

Judith has singled handedly helped hundreds; since starting at age 16 she has donated blood or plasma an amazing 105 times, inspired by her father who has surpassed 400 donations.

Of donating blood products, Judith says:  

"The experience will change your life. Knowing you can give someone a gift that you can't put a price on is quite an overwhelming and humbling experience. Donating blood only takes 10 minutes and it will leave your face radiating with a smile for the rest of the day."
A very small blood transfusion for a premature baby

A very small blood transfusion for a premature baby

Tiny Sparks WA congratulates Judith on her dedication to donating blood products and wishes her all the best in reaching her goal of 200 donations before the age of 35.

Supporters and friends of Tiny Sparks WA can assist premature babies and other people in need of blood products by contacting the Red Cross on 13 14 95 to make an appointment to donate blood.

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